Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Master Key

My first Law of Attraction Course went very well. While we didn't attract as many people as we had seen, it will get better as will the course. I'm excited.

I've been studying the Charles Haanel work "The Master Key System". Actually this is our second time through it and I'm sure we'll go through it many more times. I've got a Master Mind group established and we cover a wide variety of topics, books, etc. to help us to become more aware of what is necessary to attract what we want into our lives. After all, that is what most people are looking for; getting what they want.

I believe, after referencing this off of several texts that I've happened upon the "Master Key" to the law of attraction. It was right in front of me the entire time but eluded me none the less.

In part 1, #3, he says that "The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking."

Then in #4, he says "This is true because we must "be" before we can "do", and we can only "do" to the extent which we "are" , and what we "are" depends upon what we "think".

Now at first glance, to most LoA students, this may seem like...ok, yeah, I get that..and I was the same way but then I started to look around to see what I am. I didn't have to look far. "By their fruits you'll know them." Some famous guy said that...I seem to remember..lol

Needless to say, I didn't like what I saw but being an optimist, I know I can change it. I KNOW IT!

James Allen says in his book, "As A Man Thinketh" that "Circumstances (and conditions) don't make the man; they reveal him to himself." Also he writes that "we don't get what we want, we get that which we are."

So, as my results didn't correspond with my wants, I began a brief investigation into other texts that showed that the method of thinking that must occur to get what you want is to first become the type of person that will be able to acquire that which you want then it will be attracted to you. We have to become the change we want to see in our own lives.

It is simply not enough to want something. You've got to attune yourself with it, get into the spirit of it, feel what it would be like to have that and become the type of person who can attract it.

After this realization, I began to go into my silence a bit differently. Before my meditation time, I sat down and wrote out how I want my life to be more importantly, WHO I wanted to be. This is the critical step.

When studying the lives of successful people, you begin to notice a pattern that helped them to be successful in whatever endeavor they chose. These qualities are now what I choose to focus on for myself, the qualities that have made others successful. These are proven to work for all who use them.

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill is, in my mind, one of the best works on the subject. Study, know it, live it!!

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