Saturday, April 21, 2007

Law of Attraction Course

Law of Attraction Course

If you've seen my ad in the Roseville Press Tribune, welcome! I will be conducting a class that will cover in detail the Law of Attraction and how to use it deliberately to create your life as you'd like it. Anything that you can see in your mind, you can hold in your hand. If you're really wanting something with all your heart, I can show you how to get it! The LoA is always working and you may as well be using it deliberately, creating what you want rather than leaving it up to chance.

Would it be ok if your life improved as a result of taking this class? Did you enjoy "The Secret"? Think of being in the same room with others who share your enthusiasm for this information. I can tell you from experience, it's incredible. I'm offering 6 hours of this information, handouts PLUS email access to me all for a very reasonable, introductory price. Courses similar to this cost many times this amount.

The 1st of 4 classes will begin on May 1, 2007 and will be held at the Victorian in Roseville. The cost for all 4 classes is $149 and I'll be limiting the class size to 35 people so as to be able to have plenty of time for question and answers as well as practical exercises. Each class will begin at 6:30 pm and finish at 8 pm. Of course, if we need more time, we'll take it! As you might imagine, sign ups are going well so please feel free to call or email me at 916.532.7653 or

If you are here from my recent talk at Pulte Homes, welcome to you as well! I so enjoyed sharing some of this information with you! Your questions were insightful and your enthusiasm for this subject was very clear to me. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to speak to your group!

I do offer talks of varying length depending on the needs of the company. If you're interested in this please contact me.

Now let's start DELIBERATELY ATTRACTING only those things that you truly want!

"The road to success and the road to happiness are two lanes of the same highway and the toll you must pay is being true to yourself." Unknown

Law of Attraction Moment

I was preparing for the talk on Friday morning at Pulte Homes in Roseville. I was told that usually there are about 30 people in the meeting so I thought about it a bit and I received guidance to create 35 handouts for this talk which I did. I gave the stack to the first person who passed around the handouts. After my talk, it occurred to me that I hadn't seen any additional handouts. I thought perhaps there weren't enough to go around until I counted the people in the room. There were exactly.........yep, you guessed it....35 people in the meeting! What a coincidence!

All the Powers of the Universe are Already Ours,
It is We Who Have Put Our Hands Before Our Eyes and Cry that it is Dark!

~ Vivekananda (1863 - 1902)

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