Saturday, April 21, 2007

Law of Attraction Course

Law of Attraction Course

If you've seen my ad in the Roseville Press Tribune, welcome! I will be conducting a class that will cover in detail the Law of Attraction and how to use it deliberately to create your life as you'd like it. Anything that you can see in your mind, you can hold in your hand. If you're really wanting something with all your heart, I can show you how to get it! The LoA is always working and you may as well be using it deliberately, creating what you want rather than leaving it up to chance.

Would it be ok if your life improved as a result of taking this class? Did you enjoy "The Secret"? Think of being in the same room with others who share your enthusiasm for this information. I can tell you from experience, it's incredible. I'm offering 6 hours of this information, handouts PLUS email access to me all for a very reasonable, introductory price. Courses similar to this cost many times this amount.

The 1st of 4 classes will begin on May 1, 2007 and will be held at the Victorian in Roseville. The cost for all 4 classes is $149 and I'll be limiting the class size to 35 people so as to be able to have plenty of time for question and answers as well as practical exercises. Each class will begin at 6:30 pm and finish at 8 pm. Of course, if we need more time, we'll take it! As you might imagine, sign ups are going well so please feel free to call or email me at 916.532.7653 or

If you are here from my recent talk at Pulte Homes, welcome to you as well! I so enjoyed sharing some of this information with you! Your questions were insightful and your enthusiasm for this subject was very clear to me. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to speak to your group!

I do offer talks of varying length depending on the needs of the company. If you're interested in this please contact me.

Now let's start DELIBERATELY ATTRACTING only those things that you truly want!

"The road to success and the road to happiness are two lanes of the same highway and the toll you must pay is being true to yourself." Unknown

Law of Attraction Moment

I was preparing for the talk on Friday morning at Pulte Homes in Roseville. I was told that usually there are about 30 people in the meeting so I thought about it a bit and I received guidance to create 35 handouts for this talk which I did. I gave the stack to the first person who passed around the handouts. After my talk, it occurred to me that I hadn't seen any additional handouts. I thought perhaps there weren't enough to go around until I counted the people in the room. There were exactly.........yep, you guessed it....35 people in the meeting! What a coincidence!

All the Powers of the Universe are Already Ours,
It is We Who Have Put Our Hands Before Our Eyes and Cry that it is Dark!

~ Vivekananda (1863 - 1902)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so it he"

The biblical proverb "For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" is the cause of all results in our lives. Everything begins in thought, there are no exceptions to this. Your success or failure begins in your mind.

In James Allen's masterpiece "As a Man Thinketh" he points out that this proverb is "so comperhensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts."

Man is literally what he thinks about. If your life isn't going in the direction you'd like, you have no further to look for causes than in your own mind. While this may be hard to accept at first, the realization of it gives you tremendous power for life change.

The thoughts that we accept with our conscious mind are passed along to the subconscious mind and are then expressed through the body. Our actions represent the sum total of the paradigms that we hold. Paradigms, or collections of ideas, dictate our self image and how we view the world. It is through this that we see everything and attract that which we experience.

We have the ability to choose our thoughts. I found this a particularly difficult thing to accept when I first began but as I got more involved in the study of the numerous books on the subject, I could clearly see it was true. How could I be creating the "hell" so to speak that I was experiencing in my life? Why would I do that to myself? Those answers came but it was clear there was a lot more work to do!

As I began to learn how to change my thoughts, my results shifted and I learned that the paradigms that had ruled my behavior came from sources outside of me. My parents, society, friends whom I trusted all unknowingly contributed to the thoughts I chose to accept and accounted my "conditioning". The conditioning was what the problem was and I knew it needed to change. I needed to view things differently, experience a heighten awareness for my life to change. It all started in the space between my ears.

And so it is with us all. Our life is the sum total of our thoughts. Nothing more or less.

The thing about life is that it isn't supposed to be a struggle. Life is abundant in all ways. Just look out your window and search for lack and limitation. Do you see any? I don't think so. Nature and life are obscenely abundant, largely abundant and in all ways, abundant. Then why are we all abundant? Why do we struggle?

The good news is that we can all change right now. Begin to follow your passion and move toward any good that you desire. NOW! You don't have to wait. Begin today to visualize and imagine what you want your life to be then move in that direction.

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, either way, you're right."
Henry Ford

Monday, April 9, 2007

Book Review: "The Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't Want" by Michael Losier

Recently, I purchased this book on the recommendation of a MasterMind partner of mine who has a subscription to Michael's website and sent me a mp3 of a teleclass that he held.
I found it to be very entertaining and informative as I did the book.

The book is a practical guide to using the law of attraction to help you to, well as the title suggests, get more of what you want a less of what you don't want. That is what we are all looking for and this book is a very basic "manual", if you will, for accomplishing that goal.

In the book, Michael refers to the 3 step process of creating: 1. Identify your desire 2. Give your desire attention and 3. Allow your desire to manifest.

He addresses this subject with such clarity, makes it so easy to understand that, no matter what your background might be, you can understand this and apply it to your life.

I've studied the Law of Attraction for many years and have read books from the very esoteric to very practical and I would rank Michael's book as one of the most practical and basic descriptions of the process that I've ever read.

Buy this book! It will help you to apply the Law in your own life and get those things that you truly desire.

When what we desire stays away

Inevitably, when a discussion about the Law of Attraction comes up, it's mentioned that while a specific desire was held, what was desired did not manifest itself in the world of the person holding the desire. I've had this happen too and there is a very clear reason for it but the trouble is that it can be a very subtle distinction from knowing and believing that what you want is coming or already here and just merely hoping. Belief and faith is the key that unlocks the power and helps you to "help yourself".

Belief and faith in the ability to manifest in our lives all that we desire, in some cases, most cases, goes against what we have been taught. Paradigms have been established (paradigms being an idea or group of ideas that have been passed along to the subconscious mind and make up our "conditioning") that may be in opposition to this idea or premise that we can attract things. Consequently, we get an auto response to any idea that is not in line with this paradigm something to the tune of "ahh, snake oil!" or "if it were that easy, everyone would do it!". While these examples are designed to be extreme, I think you get the picture.

Building belief and faith in the idea of the Law of Attraction, for me, wasn't easy even though I had been using it unconsciously all my life. I would just think of something I wanted, see it coming and within a short time, it would present itself to me, perhaps not clothed as I thought it would come but none the less still there. It always amazed me. I began to study this idea in order that I could build belief and faith and therefore begin to use this power, which is available to everyone equally with no distinction, more deliberately. (In the unconscious process, I was also creating things that weren't good for me in the short term. It was later that I realized that everything that happens has a positive side and I am grateful for the good and otherwise)

This is what did it for me. There is a patterned plan of growth in the universe that is always operating, always becoming more of what it was. It never stays the same. It's divine nature is always for expansion and fuller expression. I am part of this patterned plan, not separate from it but part of it. The following quote, which I memorized, helps:

"My mind is a center of divine operation. The divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression and this means the production of something beyond that which has gone before, something entirely new, not included in past experience but proceeding out of it by an orderly sequence of growth. Therefore, since the divine cannot change it's inherent nature, it must operate in the same manner in me, consequently, in my world of which I am the center, it will move forward producing new conditions and circumstances always in advance of any that have gone before."

The evidence of this is everywhere. Even those things in disintegration are for growth and expansion of other things. It's really something.

I realized, through study, that this is what we are meant for. We are not meant for suffering or strife. We are meant for continuous, progressive and positive growth as it's the patterned plan of the Universal Mind or God.

Not being religious, as I mentioned, having faith in something wasn't easy. Now I think its the cornerstone of all acheivement whatever the desired object or thought may be, material or otherwise.

"The Secret"

Since the movie came out, there is a lot of talk about how the Law of Attraction works in our lives. The Law of Attraction is a sub law to the Law of Vibration which states that nothing is at rest; everything vibrates on some level or another. Since all things vibrate, those things that "resonate" in vibration will be attracted to each other. It's a pretty simple concept. The secret talks about this more on a level of thought. When your thoughts begin to harmonize or resonate with something one desires, especially if you're passionate about it, it begins at once to be attracted to you, whether it's wanted or unwanted.

Everyone has had the experience of having a thought about a friend or family member that you haven't heard from in sometime and then, within a few days, as if by magic, you hear from that person. "It's such a coincidence, I was just thinking about you!" That statement alone is evidence of the Law of Attraction in action.

All things are made of the same stuff. Science proved this decades ago when we began to be able to observe the smallest particles, molecules and atoms. The desk you're sitting at and your hand are made of the same stuff. All things are made of the same stuff just vibrating at varying levels. The more dense an object appears, the slower the rate of vibration. It's the stuff inbetween the particles that makes everything happen.

So basically the Law of Attraction, which is always working, always "listening" is always giving us that which we are, not so much what we want. Michael Losier describes it this way, "I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to...whether wanted or unwanted." It gives us what we are in our hearts, be it base or beautiful. This is why people have such varying results.

I've used this for years before I knew what I was dealing with. Money, jobs and any number of things that I focused on I've been able to attract into my life experience. Now that I've spent years educating myself, teaching and coaching the workings of this awesome Law, I use it more deliberatly and manifest things into my life continually. So can you.

This information is not new, just packaged in a new way. The Bible says, "Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you, for everyone that asketh recieveth and he that seeketh findeth; and he that knocketh it shall be opened." I'm not a religious person but that qoute is very telling. This information is even older than that!

Try it for yourself. Do some research, seek it out and it will find you.