Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so it he"

The biblical proverb "For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" is the cause of all results in our lives. Everything begins in thought, there are no exceptions to this. Your success or failure begins in your mind.

In James Allen's masterpiece "As a Man Thinketh" he points out that this proverb is "so comperhensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts."

Man is literally what he thinks about. If your life isn't going in the direction you'd like, you have no further to look for causes than in your own mind. While this may be hard to accept at first, the realization of it gives you tremendous power for life change.

The thoughts that we accept with our conscious mind are passed along to the subconscious mind and are then expressed through the body. Our actions represent the sum total of the paradigms that we hold. Paradigms, or collections of ideas, dictate our self image and how we view the world. It is through this that we see everything and attract that which we experience.

We have the ability to choose our thoughts. I found this a particularly difficult thing to accept when I first began but as I got more involved in the study of the numerous books on the subject, I could clearly see it was true. How could I be creating the "hell" so to speak that I was experiencing in my life? Why would I do that to myself? Those answers came but it was clear there was a lot more work to do!

As I began to learn how to change my thoughts, my results shifted and I learned that the paradigms that had ruled my behavior came from sources outside of me. My parents, society, friends whom I trusted all unknowingly contributed to the thoughts I chose to accept and accounted my "conditioning". The conditioning was what the problem was and I knew it needed to change. I needed to view things differently, experience a heighten awareness for my life to change. It all started in the space between my ears.

And so it is with us all. Our life is the sum total of our thoughts. Nothing more or less.

The thing about life is that it isn't supposed to be a struggle. Life is abundant in all ways. Just look out your window and search for lack and limitation. Do you see any? I don't think so. Nature and life are obscenely abundant, largely abundant and in all ways, abundant. Then why are we all abundant? Why do we struggle?

The good news is that we can all change right now. Begin to follow your passion and move toward any good that you desire. NOW! You don't have to wait. Begin today to visualize and imagine what you want your life to be then move in that direction.

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, either way, you're right."
Henry Ford

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