Monday, April 9, 2007

Book Review: "The Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't Want" by Michael Losier

Recently, I purchased this book on the recommendation of a MasterMind partner of mine who has a subscription to Michael's website and sent me a mp3 of a teleclass that he held.
I found it to be very entertaining and informative as I did the book.

The book is a practical guide to using the law of attraction to help you to, well as the title suggests, get more of what you want a less of what you don't want. That is what we are all looking for and this book is a very basic "manual", if you will, for accomplishing that goal.

In the book, Michael refers to the 3 step process of creating: 1. Identify your desire 2. Give your desire attention and 3. Allow your desire to manifest.

He addresses this subject with such clarity, makes it so easy to understand that, no matter what your background might be, you can understand this and apply it to your life.

I've studied the Law of Attraction for many years and have read books from the very esoteric to very practical and I would rank Michael's book as one of the most practical and basic descriptions of the process that I've ever read.

Buy this book! It will help you to apply the Law in your own life and get those things that you truly desire.

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